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Country of a parentage - Germanium.
Application - conductor, service dog, protection.
Classification FCI - group II (schnauzers).

General view: The Rottweiler - dog of growth is above the average, massive, not clumsy and hard. Under his proportional robust constitution it is possible to say about large force, dexterity and fatigue life of the Rottweiler.
Behavior and nature: Good-natured, liking children very devoted, compliant quiet, easily yielding to a temper rolling. In his behavior the robust nervous system, fatigue life, boldness is visible. Is dace reacts to environment.

Forehead: Mean length.
Skull: A little bit domed through link of forehead at inspection sideways.
Transition: The obviously expressed transition from forehead to a muzzle.

Facing part of a skull:
Nose: Ridge of the nose a straight line. A nose black, well coloured, broad, large, with rather large nostrils.
Muzzle: Length of a muzzle is peer to length of forehead with good transition.
Labiums: Black, fitting closely, the corner of labiums is closed, gingivas as it is possible for those.
Jow: Top and bottom jow broad and robust.
Bilges: Well developed, sinewy.
Occlusion: Robust, full complete set (42 dens).
Eye: Means, dark brown colour with well accumbent centuries.

The remarks:
Each deviation from the standard of above-stated sections pinpoints appropriation of a degree.
General view: Ease, gentle skeleton and musculation.
Head: The hunting form of a head, narrow, very short, lengthy, rough, flat forehead (absence or minor transition from forehead to a muzzle).
Muzzle: Lengthy or acute, humpbacked or skewed ridge of the nose.
Occlusion: Tongs.
Front elevation: Close put or indirect forward finitenesses, curved forearm turned out elbows, lengthy or short direct shoulder, mild metacarpuses dismissed foot too abruptly put, curved pins, light unguises.

Rejection faults:
Common: Changed exterior.
Behavior: Timidity, cowardice, fright from an outrigger boom, shyness, aggressiveness; not yielding to a temper rolling, nervous dogs.
Eye: Entropium, Ektropium.
Occlusion: X-shaped occlusion missing chisels, canines, premolar tooths or molar tooths.
Wool: Very lengthy.
Colour: Are not permissible of a white spot.
Cryptorchism: Absence of one testicle













2007 Rus Pekos